In the legal sense, clemency means leniency and compassion by a judicial office toward a criminal offender. It is less an individual legal action and more a gesture of forgiveness approved by the U.S. president. Offenders can seek several forms of relief through a...
Photo of Scott M. Davidson
Month: April 2023
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A prosecutor’s use of junk science could lead to grounds for appeal
When the state brings charges against an individual, a prosecutor represents the government’s interests. Their role is to make a convincing case based on the evidence gathered by law enforcement authorities and investigators. They must prove beyond a reasonable doubt...
Why do appeals against federal convictions take so long?
When you’re convicted of a crime and wish to challenge the validity of that conviction, there is a process of appeal that needs to be followed. This legal process can often be complex and time-consuming. This can be incredibly frustrating, especially if your loved one...