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Photo of Scott M. Davidson

Why do people admit to a crime they didn’t commit?

On Behalf of | Apr 30, 2024 | Federal Appeals

If you confess to a crime you can expect to face the consequences. To the outsider, it may seem unfeasible that anyone would admit to a crime they did not commit. However, doing so is relatively common.

If you later regret saying you were guilty, you may want to examine your options for reversing things. If you can show that police coercion played a role in your decision to admit guilt, then you could have a chance of appealing your case and putting an end to the consequences you are facing.

The police want a conviction

The police force’s job is to catch criminals. They are under great pressure to demonstrate to people and local groups and agencies that they are doing just this. Hence, some officers may be too quick to jump to conclusions when they believe someone has committed a crime. Some officers are also less upstanding than they should be and may target someone because they don’t like them, perhaps due to their color or another factor.

The police are entitled to use a wide range of tactics when interviewing suspects. After all, few people willingly volunteer when they commit a crime. However, sometimes the police can go too far. They can cross the line and apply too much pressure, effectively forcing someone into making a confession for a crime they did not commit. Some groups, such as young people, are particularly vulnerable to this manipulation.

If you feel police coercion caused you to make a false confession, there are legal options to explore to try and redress the situation.